Repent! Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Let your name be written in the book of life. And receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Oh, child of God.

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Unámonos en nuestra misión de compartir el amor de Dios. Si deseas unirte como miembro, deja tus datos. También, considera ser patrocinador para apoyar nuestra labor. Tu generosidad nos permitirá continuar buscando y salvando almas para el Reino de Dios. ¡Gracias por tu apoyo! _______________ Join us in sharing God's love. To become a member, leave your info. Consider sponsoring us to support our mission. Your generosity will help us seek and save souls for God's Kingdom. Thank you!

Hazael Gomez De La Cruz


Called to serve, I've dedicated my life to ministry, earning credentials from my highest, spiritual source, and the US government.
My purpose is to help others find salvation amidst life's spiritual storms. This journey isn't easy, but with your partnership, trust, and faith in God, we can overcome adversity. To those who've experienced the transformative power of salvation, let's march forward together, unshaken and resolute.